

目前顯示的是 6月, 2012的文章

《News》Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) Announced!

Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) announced at Google I/O 2012, SDK also available for download. For more detail please refer to: http://android-developers.blogspot.tw/2012/06/introducing-android-41-jelly-bean.html http://developer.android.com/about/versions/jelly-bean.html

Eclipse plugin - Sequoyah Android Localization Editor

在 Android 中要支援多國語系是很容易的,只要為不同語系準備好各自的 strings.xml 就可以了,App 執行時就會自動依裝置目前語系去套用對應的 strings.xml。 但如果支援的語系一多,要維護這麼多 xml 也常會手忙腳亂甚至出錯。因此在這邊推薦一個 Eclipse plugin 叫做 Sequoyah Android Localization Editor。( Sequoyah Android 本地化編輯器) 安裝方法如下:  首先在 Eclipse 中選擇 Help -> Install New Software。  Install 視窗中點選 Add。  於 Add Repository 對話框的 Location 輸入 http://download.eclipse.org/sequoyah/updates/2.0/。Name 則可自己取。接著按 OK。  此時應該會出現可安裝項目的列表。(如果沒有出現項目,請將下面的 Group items by category 取消勾選)  於列表中選擇 "Sequoyah Android 本地化編輯器" 然後按 Next。之後就依畫面指示一步一步安裝完畢。 安裝完後只要開啟任何 strings.xml,它就會用一個整合性的編輯表單來取代原本的 xml 文字編輯器(如下圖): 這樣您就可以快速編輯不同語系的文案了,也可以讓你知道哪些文案還沒被翻譯,或幫您新增/刪除項目。自己用了一陣子下來,真的是很方便,推薦給各位!


AudioTagFixer can help you: 1. Edit the tags of your audio files, include Title, Artist, Album, Genre and Track.(Modify Album Art is not yet supported.) 2. Fix the incorrect encoded tags in Traditional Chinese(Big5), Simplified Chinese(GBK), Japanese(Shift_JIS), Korean(EUC-KR) and Russian(CP1215) audio files quickly. 3. Support mp3, mp4, ogg, wma and flac formats.(Please note that although this app can modify tags in wma file, but in fact the Android system does not read them, so you may not be able to see the changes in your music player.) * This app can help you correct garbled, but NOT translate into different languages or conversion of Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. * After you saved the audio file, the list will re-sort according to the new tags. Therefore, the order of the audio file in the list may be changed. * If you need more encoding support, please e-mail to me, thank you. AudioTagFixer 能幫助您: 1. 編輯音樂檔案中的標籤,包含標題、歌手、專輯、類型以及曲目。(修改專輯封面尚未支援。) 2. 快速修正在繁體...